When Spilltanken takes over

The game tank in the park leaning towards the camera

Gaming thoughts can be all-consuming. Many people struggling with gambling addiction find that thoughts about gambling constantly pop up - even when they're trying to focus on other things. These thoughts can make it difficult to live a normal life. They affect relationships, finances and personal health.

What are typical game thoughts?

  • Just one more time - The belief that one more effort can change everything, even when it turns out to be wrong time and time again.
  • I just want to win back what I've lost - The desire to recover from losses often leads to investing more than you can afford to lose.
  • It's only a grand - A trivialization of the value of effort that is often repeated and grows over time, which can lead to significant financial losses.
  • I'm in control - A belief that you can quit at any time, even though it's often not true.
The video above shows how "The Gambling Mind" mirrors the inner thoughts experienced by many with gambling addiction. By using typical statements such as: "Just one more 1000-kroner note", "I get paid on Friday", and "It's just money", it provides an authentic representation of how gambling addiction can be justified in the player's own thoughts.

How gaming thoughts can affect life

When the gaming mind is allowed to run wild, several aspects of life can suffer:


Gaming thoughts can come between you and your loved ones. When your thoughts constantly revolve around gaming, it can be difficult to be present in conversations and relationships.

Work and school

For many, gaming thoughts affect concentration and the ability to perform when needed. This can lead to stress and anxiety about performance both at work and at school.

Night sleep

Gaming thoughts can make it difficult to sleep at night. Many people find that their thoughts are churning and keeping them awake, and with little sleep it becomes extra challenging to handle the demands of everyday life.

Personal well-being

The constant rush of thoughts about gaming can lead to anxiety, stress and psychological challenges. Some experience losing themselves in the battle against their thoughts.

You don't have to stand alone in the fight

Seeking help can feel scary for many - gambling addiction is characterized by a lot of shame and can be difficult for anyone to talk about.

Our one-to-one conversations can be a safe place to start for those who want to address their gambling problems, with further participation in groups where there are many people who understand what you're going through.

We're here, with no waiting time, to listen and help you on your way to a life with less worry and more freedom.

Everyone in the organization is sworn to secrecy so that you feel safe when you talk to us.  

Feel free to contact us on the Helpline or via the contact form.